Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

Life is in the Details.

I have determined that 2024 is going to be a life lived in the details. 2023 was a beautiful year but is was a year of big changes. Lots of uproots and big swings. In the year of big changes I feel like there wasn’t room to embellish our days with the details.

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Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

The Season of Rest.

A video I listened to lately stated “If busyness is your drug of choice, rest will feel like stress.” Immediately my ears perked up and I mentally took note of the small pings of anxiousness I have felt stirring in the last month. I knew that what I was missing was true times of rest.

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Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

Fall on the Farm!

Late summer came and went in the way of a worker bee! Transitioning into our new farm house with three kids under three kept my hands busy and the blog empty! Though our social media page and website was quiet, the fields and homestead were bustling! Subscription sign -ups and tulip bulb sales are some of our current happenings.

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Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

The Perfect Flower Farm.

Did you know the goal of a good cut flower farm is to never have an open bloom in the fields? Seems strange but flowers last the longest if they are picked at the stage right BEFORE they bloom. Often times if they bloom in the field, they drop their petals or wilt sooner in the vase! If I am selling all my flowers in the best stage there should never be an open bloom in the field!

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Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

Early July on the Farm

Some how July has already slid onto the calendar! The twins are the busiest 8 month olds and True is continuing to be an independent and easily bored 2 year old. My days are broken into 20 minute intervals in attempts to keep all parties happy. I can already see how farming with the kids has made them love to be outdoors, but it definitely has changed my relationship with the farm. I love having the kids with me out there, but lately it has also been my refuge. The place I seek a little solace and quiet in the evening when everyone has gone to bed.

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Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

Honey I Shrunk the Goals.

Native plant planted is still better than planning to plant a whole field and never planting any. One 1/4 mile hike enjoyed with kids is better than the two mile one you forced everyone to do the whole way. One maintained boundary is better than a list of them you don’t hold.

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Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

Taking A Little Time to Float.

This week’s goal is to take a little time to float - literally and figuratively. We have officially moved out of our house and are living in my dad’s house until we can move into the house we are purchasing. This doesn’t have a concrete time line. My first instinct is typically to batten up the hatches and make all efforts to tie us to all things definite. My initial urge is to ask all the questions and make all the moves so that I know when we will be out of this ocean of in between and find the shore of certainty in our next chapter. I feel as if I don’t have an anchor right now which is freeing - our home is packed and we are moved - but I don’t really have a paddle either.

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Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

Coming In Hot!

These last few weeks I have been doing a little reflection and have realized the plan I had in mind might not be the one I can commit to anymore. It has left me in a state of wanting to make sure I follow through with commitments but knowing deep down these commitments impede on the most valuable things to me.

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Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

Here Comes Summer!

As for the farm June is more of a busy behind the scenes month. It is the time for us to wrap up planting dahlias and seedlings and weed, weed, weed! Keeping ahead of weeds, bugs, and disease in June is the key to having a flourishing garden come July, August, and September. So anticipate a the first weekend in July for the beginning of U-Picks.

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Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

Smiling Babies and Fresh Air.

Even though it is busy it feel so good to get my hands in the dirt and a little sunburn on my cheeks. My three kids have been tagging along beside me almost every day. As with so many things they bring a little different perspective.

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Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

Bring on April!

This week can be summed up with one word - BLIZZARD.

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