The View.

When we moved to our new house, because it was a bit smaller we decided to build a shed. We would use it to park our car and equipment and I would the back corner for all things seeding, tuber diving, and flower farming. I didn’t care what my space looked like but the one thing I wanted was a glass garage door on the side so I cool see out when I worked. I wanted to watch the kids play and have a view as I did tedious tasks of flower farming. There were plenty of things I could sacrifice so I could have this detail.
When the building was finished there was a miscommunication and the door that got installed was a solid normal garage door. I was a little heart broken but figure it was ok, my request was a quite a bit extra cost and a little frivolous anyway. However for some reason my husband realized how much this detail would make a difference to me and he pushed to have them change the door. Not just put in a few windows to the existing one, but replace it with a full window panel door.
Three days ago the builders came back, I’m sure a little annoyed by this request, and replaced the door with the solid windows door. I have been seated in front of it every day since. This detail to me isn’t just a door, but a way to continue to enjoy life as a mom and a business owner. A way that my work can feel inclusive instead of being holed up in a dark space away from the world. I can watch the snow fall and the kids play. It doesn’t matter if some of your important details don’t make sense to a lot of people, but they do matter if you know they’ll make a world of difference to you. There are plenty of detail to let go by the wayside its just listening to the ones we know will make your world a better place. Sincerely Me as I sit looking out my beautiful 10 foot glass door.