True Blue.
So many places and so many people are so manicured, so cultivated, and so forced into rules. So many places you are expected to be continually self evaluating to avoid judgment and miss placed moves. I needed a place I could be happy, a place I could be sad, a place that was ok with the weeds and flaws but still showcased its beauty while embracing the blemishes. A place that exposed process and exposed reality. A place that was genuine, a place that was True Blue.
1. genuine, authentic, undoubtedly true
2. honest.”
True Blue Flower Co. came about after a long series continuously manipulating myself to other’s definition of success. I craved direction and and connection back to the thing that always grounded me…nature. My flower gardens were the things that kept me going. I could pour my heart and soul into them and they helped me find the things that truly mattered again.
I wanted to give others—and myself—a place they could take a step away. Where they could experience true joy picking flowers with friends and family; peace while watching the butterflies; or let out sadness and solitude while walking among the flower rows. So simply put True Blue Flower Co. is a cut flower farm. But what the flowers represent to me is acceptance that nature (ourselves included) is sometimes best when it isn’t fully manicured and manipulated. I hope you are able to feel that too when you come to pick flowers at True Blue.
“There is something indefinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—the assurance that dawn comes after night and spring after winter.”