Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

The Promise of a Pussy Willow Bud.

Our surroundings teeter into a constant shift, a welcome relief from winters unwavering stillness. A pendulum is set into motion, slowly at first but gaining momentum before our eyes.

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Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

The Enchanting Spring Rain.

There is something enchanting about a walk in the woods during a spring time rain. It’s a different kind of stillness - the wet leaves serving to dampen the sound.

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Bayleigh Lautenschlager Bayleigh Lautenschlager

A Minnesota Spring Checklist.

Spring may seem slow to come or far away but have no doubt the Northern Hemisphere is tilting towards the sun. Take a nature walk or a slow Sunday drive. Tune into nature and check off the Minnesota Signs of Spring as they come your way.

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