Learning to Live Life with the Seasons.

Learning to live life with the seasons…er re-learing to live life with the seasons. A lesson I seem to have on repeat. College season, career season, climbing the ladder, baby season, middle life, and retirement. We’ve all heard “it’s just part of this season of life” spoken to us in reassurance. Meant to bring peace of mind that there are things out of our control but should be embraced none the less.

Though we give ourselves a little space for the seasons of life, we aren’t as well versed in living life with the seasons in terms of nature. We expect life to fall into this continued efficiency pattern that streams year round, year after year. In seeking to control the things in our life we have slowly edged out the natural swing.

Flower farming has always been away for me to connect to nature and its seasons. Not to rush it, and put it on my schedule but to read it and watch it. To be so in touch with the little changes month after month that often go overlooked.

I needed a reminder that enjoying the seasons as they come is one of the best ways to truly be in tuned with the world around us. The season for planting, the season for growing, the season for harvest, and the season to work the ground and plan it all again.

So even though this slow Spring has brought a few adaptations, it reminded me why I love living this way. I can be a part of every swing and change nature has to offer. Not demanding more or less, but working with her - for better or for worse.

Some love flowers because of their beauty, I love flowers because of they way they make me take note of the world around and the True Blue flower fields are my favorite place to do just that.

I have always had a dread of becoming a passenger in life.
— Princess Margrethe of Denmark

It’s the Basics Baby!


Does This Fancy Mug Make my Garbage Truck Look Nice?